Health and Physical Education

YISD has implemented the CATCH program as it's coordinated school health program because of its coordination of health messages between the classroom, physical education program, school nutrition program and home. CATCH teaches children to become more active, make healthful decisions and to create positive changes in their school and home environment that support these decisions. 


Thanks to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and the CATCH Global Foundation, YISD will be implementing the Ray and the Sunbeatables™: A Sun Safety Curriculum with all our PreK - 1st grade students.  This program was developed by the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.  The curriculum uses superhero characters Ray and the Sunbeatables and their sun safe superpowers to educate teachers, parents, and children about sun protection.

P.E. Demonstration Day

P.E. Demonstration Day has been held annually in YISD since 1984.  On this day, elementary physical education teachers and their students get the opportunity to showcase the new and creative activities that they participate in during P.E. class in their schools.  Family and community members along with school district employees are invited to attend the fun-filled day.  P.E. Demonstration is one of the biggest district events held yearly and is truly one of a kind in the nation. YISD has an awesome physical education program and this impressive event sums it all up!

Sonia Noriega

Sonia Noriega

Lead Teacher Health & Physical Education
Email Sonia Noriega